• Membership

    Joining ASPRA is easy! Just complete our registration form and send it with a purchase order to:
    P.O. Box 68081
    Phoenix, AZ 85082
    Or, fill out the form and email it to Marisela Felix , Vice President of Membership. For details about paying by credit card, please email Will Argeros, Treasurer. 
    Membership in the Arizona School Public Relations Association is open to public relations professionals from both the educational and private sectors, administrators, school staff with public relations responsibilities, educational service organizations and students interested in the field of school public relations.
    Open to any person who has full- or part-time responsibilities in the field of public-school communications and public relations and is employed by a public school district, public school education association, or higher education public institution, and whose primary purpose is to support Arizona public education, school districts or an individual public school. Professional membership includes voting privileges and the right to hold office.

    Discount after April 1. (Memberships expire annually on August 31)
    • Professional membership: Organizations with 4+ members qualify for a group rate of $60/member if all members register or renew at the same time.
    Open to any person who has full- or part-time responsibilities in a non-profit or not-for-profit organization of which the primary purpose is advancing public education and school public relations. Non-profit membership includes voting privileges and the right to hold office.
    Discount after April 1. (Memberships expire annually on August 31)
    • Non-profit membership: Organizations with 4+ members qualify for a group rate of $60/member if all members register or renew at the same time.
    Open to any person who has full- or part-time responsibilities in a private sector school, business or as a freelance consultant whose primary purpose is to support an Arizona school district or an individual school. Affiliate members are not eligible for voting privileges nor the right to hold office.

    Discount after April 1. (Memberships expire annually on August 31)
    Open to any professional member who has retired from public education and who is not working full-time in communications or public relations. This membership level is reserved for individuals who are interested in continuing to interact and network with ASPRA members in a non-business relationship. Retiree members are not eligible for voting privileges nor the right to hold office.
    Discount after April 1. (Memberships expire annually on August 31)
    Bestowed on nonmembers of ASPRA or longstanding members of ASPRA deemed worthy of such recognition by the Executive Board. Consideration for honorary membership may include contributions to ASPRA, years of service and body of work. Honorary members may hold this status for life and carry no special privileges. Honorary membership status shall be put on hold if that member gains or returns to full- or part-time employment in school communications or public relations.
    All members must agree to follow the organization's bylaws outlined here.